Jokes With Einstein 9

Oh hey look, I made a new episode of Jokes With Einstein:


33 Responses to “Jokes With Einstein 9”

  1. sarah says:

    good god FINALLY

  2. Jenna says:

    Oh yes. LOVE IT! Now we just need a new tiny plaid ninjas! ;)

  3. Analoren says:

    Most excellent. Was that some OK Go I heard in the background?

  4. Inte Smart says:


  5. Will S. says:

    WOOOT I Have been waiting for ever to see a new one. Thanks guys

  6. MasterGlitch says:

    That poor kid, getting smacked by ducks. He took it like a champ, though.

  7. Jamie says:

    how long i have waited for a new Jokes With Einstein!!!

    any plans for new TPN?

    *wink wink, nudge nudge*

  8. Is it a sign of an e-stalker if I recognize that pattern as a picture you took in India? It was on your flickr account…

  9. Jennifer says:


    Thank you :)

  10. Kat says:

    Most fabulous thing ever. :D

  11. Dylnads says:

    :D I've been waiting so long! Thankyouthankyouthankyou!

  12. JFargo says:

    My wife wanted me to let you know that she liked the polynomial and pumpkin pi jokes.

  13. Willdood says:

    Excellent. No words other than that can describe a cheesy pun by einstein while a youth is being pelted by ducks.

  14. Pinka says:

    OMG thank you. *tips hat* you are my hero!

  15. matt says:

    yaaay, drewmo! (obligatory request for more penguin voicemails.)

  16. Patrick says:

    Congratulations on the 500th Lefthanded Toon!

    Also, I’m thrilled with the new Jokes with Einstein.

    Also, I’ve watched all other JwE at least a dozen times each and I just now noticed the “Forward, Reply, Unply, and Ply” buttons in number eight.


  17. danineteen says:

    Extremely hilarious.
    I’m that much of a math nerd that I’d share the link with my Facebook friends :P

  18. Will S. says:

    Did anyone else notice that the background slowly changes colors?

  19. alexandra says:

    Yes! Ahh, so much rejoicing to be done! Now, we need a new TPN. :D Thank youuu, Drew.

  20. Drae says:

    TPN! TPN!

    Also, why ducks?

  21. Danimo says:

    I was just at the old site reveling in the glory of days gone by, slightly lamenting the years without an update and then I come to my favorite non-dominant website to be greeted with this stroke of genius. Hats off to you my friend.

  22. Adam says:

    I really like the comics, but this (video) was the lamest crap i have ever seen. i mean really.. can that actually pass for something funny?

  23. Dan says:

    Awesome :D hehe, tan gent :D

    just for reference, i got a girl to go out with me a while ago using the pumpkin pi joke :D she thought it was adorable :P

    rock on drew |..|,

  24. Asher says:

    Wait, where was the kid's overly scientific explanation of what the punchline normally means?

  25. tallguy says:

    hazzah! does this mean SD is back up and running?

  26. ClowWolf says:


    It's been too long. *sob*

  27. cay says:

    *hesitantly raises hand*


    9 = neun

    nein = no.

    Just in case it's a typo and not another inside joke I simply don't get.